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A Seed was sown.

We felt there was potential for us to contribute our skills and expertise to this sector. VIVA Development Strategies was born in 2014.

We picked up assignments across what we call a ‘project’s life cycle’. We assisted non-profits, corporate CSR, philanthropies, international foundations and global donors in research, strategy, partnerships, communication, resource mobilization, impact assessment and more.

We enjoyed consulting with clients in their board rooms and loved going to the field and seeing it for ourselves - Delving into problems deeply and using the natural strategic lens that we had, to arrive at solutions. We worked with more than 10 causes, 25 organizations and 50 projects in a span of 6 years!   

We started our careers in the private sector – specifically the media and entertainment industry. As part of our profiles, we would work with clients from the corporate sector – developing marketing solutions and campaigns to promote their products and services to potential customers. 

It was all great, but something did not sit right. We couldn’t probably articulate it back then, but now, we can say that ‘our potentially flourishing careers lacked meaning’. The universe found its way of pointing us in the right direction to find the ‘missing meaning’ in our careers.

Phase 2 of our careers involved working for and with social impact organizations (both the govt and international non-profits), and creating communication strategies and campaigns for some of the biggest causes in the country – water, sanitation, agriculture, livelihood, health and more.

If there was one thing that we were ‘passionate about’ and ‘supremely skilled at’ – it was ‘Strategic Communication!’

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Who We Are

A decision was made!


After 7 years of existence, we began to explore how we could scale our work and accelerate our impact in the sector.

One of the deepest exercises in strategy in the social impact sector is understanding your community. Who are we really working for? What is it that they really need? What is the biggest barrier to their progress? 

Here is a sector that wants to create impact, create a lasting change in the lives of people and the planet. And ‘communication’ as a technical skill can enable the sector to build a deeper relationship with donors, the government and communities they serve. Communication can help achieve the outcomes the sector seeks to achieve with each of these stakeholders.  

If there was one thing that we were ‘passionate about’ and ‘supremely skilled at’ – it was ‘strategic communication’. It was a part of our DNA. In marketing parlance, there can be no better demand and supply match. 

And here we are, with  

VIVA Social Communications!

Meet the Founders!


Founder, VIVA Social Communications

Social Entrepreneur, Communications Strategist 

Founder, VIVA Social Communications

Social Entrepreneur, Communications Strategist 

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